Our Business Lines
TBE is a knowledge company, academically based, but with a large on-the-field experience from different nuclear installations. We try to catch up with the (disappearing) knowledge from Belgium’s rich nuclear history.
If needed for large projects, we rely on our expert network to complete a required set of expertises. So if we don’t seem to cover the topic you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be able to support your project or find a suitable partner where needed.
Check out our business lines for more information:

How can we help you?
Licensing of (nuclear) installations
TBE’s team members are safety experts. We are experienced in the particular licensing aspects of nuclear systems, but also in classic safety topics. We know how safety authorities work (some of us have worked for a safety authority!), and can take the lead or assist you in your licensing case.
Project management
TBE’s experts are project managers with sufficient related knowledge in the field. We are frequently asked to take the lead in smaller projects, or to assist in larger nuclear projects. If possible, TBE tries to introduce important nuclear (licensing) aspects from the early design phase of your project. This leads to efficient project management and considerable cost reduction.
New business development
We know how to develop new nuclear business. We can help you to define your value proposition. Thanks to our broad nuclear engineering background, on-the-floor as well as academic, TBE provides innovative, no-nonsense solutions to the market. Thanks to our extensive network in the Belgian and international nuclear scene, we are your partner to build your business case and to get in touch with decision makers.
Third-party reviews
As an independent consultancy, TBE has a unique market position for the review of your project. We can afford a positive-critical view on your business, without any conflict of interest!