Meet the Team


To develop and share nuclear knowledge


To be the leading provider of independent and innovative nuclear expertise

Our Values

We at The Binding Energy are proud to operate with strong values guiding our actions and decisions. These values are embodied in the acronym NICE, which stands for No-nonsense, Independent, Competent and Enthusiastic.

N: A no-nonsense approach towards its clients means that we are straightforward and honest in our dealings with clients, partners, and each other. We help our clients continuously improve their services and products in a critical and questioning way, but in a constructive atmosphere.

I: Our independence allows us to think creatively and make decisions that are in the best interests of our clients. We have no external investors, and can develop our own independent view on nuclear projects. This is quite unique in Belgium (and abroad). When it comes to safety, independence is the best possible position to guarantee an objective analysis.

C: TBE’s competence is evident in the quality of our work and the expertise of our team. We are a knowledge-based company with a ton of practical on-the-field experience. TBE wants to pick-up the ageing knowledge in the nuclear field. We base our conclusions on facts and figures. Our team members are motivated to continuously increase their expertise in external trainings and workshops.

E: And last but not least, we are a dynamic and enthusiastic young team, sharing already more than 50 years of experience, bringing an invigorating company profile to the nuclear market. Our company spirit is warm and empathic, we question each other in a constructive way, as we question our clients.

Our Team

Wim Uyttenhove

Founder / Nuclear Engineer

Wim is a doctor in nuclear engineering (TUDelft – NL), and a nuclear and mechanical engineer (Ghent University – BE).

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Koen Vints

Partner / Nuclear Engineer

Koen holds a master of nuclear engineering (UHasselt – BE), and safety engineering (KULeuven – BE). He joined The Binding Energy as a nuclear engineer in 2018 and became officially a managing partner in 2022.

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Joppe Van Gemert

Nuclear Engineer

Joppe holds a master in nuclear engineering (UHasselt – BE), and safety engineering (KULeuven – BE). He joined The Binding Energy as a nuclear engineer in 2020.

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Robby Vandendries

Nuclear Engineer

Robby holds a master of nuclear engineering (UHasselt – BE). He joined The Binding Energy as a nuclear engineer in 2021.

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Daan Van Dyck

Nuclear Engineer

Daan holds a master of nuclear engineering (UHasselt – BE). He joined The Binding Energy as a nuclear engineer at the end of 2021.

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Marnix Gysen

Nuclear Engineer

Marnix holds a master in chemical engineering and nuclear engineering (KULeuven – BE), organized through a consortium of six Belgian universities and SCK-CEN.

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Lena Matthys

Nuclear Engineer

Lena holds a master of nuclear engineering (UHasselt – BE) and an Advanced Master in Nuclear Engineering (BNEN), organized through a consortium of six Belgian universities and SCK-CEN.

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Eliott Ramoisiaux

Nuclear Engineer

Eliott is a doctor in Engineering Sciences and Technology (ULB – BE), and an engineer in applied physics (nuclear and medical) (ULB – BE).

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Lars Engelen

Nuclear Engineer

Lars holds a master of mechanical engineering (KULeuven – BE) and nuclear engineering (KULeuven – BE), organized through a consortium of six Belgian universities and SCK-CEN.

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Henri Dolfen

Nuclear Engineer

Henri is a doctor in electromechanical engineering (Ghent University – BE), and a mechanical energy engineer (Ghent University – BE).

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